December 09, 2019

Often the mere act of living as a joint Pull Stud


Step 1: Decide that for the next 3 to 6 months you're going to do all that you can do to save your marriage (despite your fears). Some you can start with are:

Re-invest energy into the relationship side of the marriage

When you met your spouse, there were probably things that you enjoyed sharing and doing together that made you feel connected and close to each other.

"For the next 6 months, I'm going to focus on doing everything I can to save my marriage.

If this is the case, rest assured you are definitely not alone! The reality is that most marriages will feel stale and lifeless at times and that's quite normal.. But starting with these few can be a great way to really start to change the dynamic of your marriage and help you start to save your marriage today!


There are many things that you can do to turn your relationship around.

Ask more questions

When we "know" someone, we stop asking them questions and trying to understand them.

Now is a time to decide that you are willing and committed to investing 3 to 6 months from today to save your marriage.. Often couples end up talking about finances, kids, extended families, pets, etc. These may have been outings, dates, events, activities, etc. Do you still do those together?

Maybe it's time to think about having "date nights".. Going out to a restaurant or film or picnic/walk together and actually consciously talking about each other and what you want.. I'm going to commit to this despite my fear that it won't change and despite my fear that my spouse isn't interested in saving our marriage!"

Step 2: Do the things that you can do to reignite the spark and rebuild your relationship. And, contrary to the thoughts you might be having as you're reading this, it's not going to take too much hard work, just a bit of a change in your focus and a willingness to go outside your usual comfort zone.. How about making some goals together, really spending the time together to talk about what your dreams and visions are, and setting some extraordinary and fun goals together?

And many more. If you've been considering leaving your marriage at all, then chances are that you've had one foot out of the marriage and one foot in the marriage for a little while now.. I'm not saying that you need to become their therapist (That's my job).

As a Psychotherapist in Private Practice I spend a lot of time CNC Machine Tools helping people work through these feelings and find new hope and new energy in their relationships..

Naturally there are many other things you can do to reignite the spark in your relationship. Tell yourself.

This is a small step, but an important one.

Listen to each other with fresh ears

Often we have developed an expectation of what each other will say, and so we're so busy "knowing what they'll say" that we don't delve in and ask each other what they need or how they feel.

Maybe you're feeling that life with your spouse has become dull and routine, rather than interesting and engaging. Did you know that the simple act of asking questions and really listening to the answer can have your spouse (and I'm guessing you too) start to feel really engaged and connected again? Try it, you might be surprised at how well it works. It's often simply because we feel bored and don't feel the spark that we felt any more.

In fact, probably the hardest part of saving your marriage is making a decision that you're ready to take the action steps that will do just that, despite feeling that you're not (yet) getting what you need.. I'm simply saying that if you actually really listen to what your partner is saying with 100% attention, you might hear something that makes them more interesting.

Sometimes when we fantasize about leaving or ending our marriage, it's not because we're fighting with our spouse, or because we're angry, or because we don't like or love them.

So what do you do when you feel bored in your marriage or when you're deciding whether to leave or end your marriage, or to save your marriage?

First, know that "all is not lost"! There is, indeed, hope for you to feel invigorated, excited and alive in your relationship again. Save your marriage.

Create shared goals and visions that don't necessarily include finances

Often the mere act of living as a joint Pull Stud unit can leave us making only goals that are about getting by week-to-week, or achieving financial goals. These are times that you specifically schedule into your diary where you spend time together "dating each other" again. While this is important, talking about each other's needs is just as important and helps you re-invest energy into your relationship and save your marriage

Posted by: roeucltel at 01:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 839 words, total size 5 kb.

December 03, 2019

with Wholesale CNC Lathe Tool Factory short hair

When you feel that the hair you have is not sufficient to make the right style you always wished to have, the best thing is to wear an extension. In case you decide to buy extensions the most important thing is to buy one made out of genuine hair. Buying genuine Indian Remy Hair is a good option as they have been proven to be good over the past few years. The secret behind the their success is the fact that they are processed from genuine Indian hair obtained from healthy South Indian women over 30 years of age who are healthy and willing.

When you go to a good online store you will find that there are several varieties of Indian Remy hair available in them providing you the opportunity to choose the one you need. In case your preference is for a straight style, you have the possibility of buying such hair from India. This Indian hair is available at different lengths as length of your hair is also a contributory factor to your good looks. If you wear it too long or too short the effect it could bring into your appearance will be limited. Therefore, you need to decide the length of extensions you need to buy.

The standard lengths of Indian Remy hair extensions vary from 10" to 24". The good thing with most of these extensions made out of Indian hair is the fact that the short ones are not made using artificial methods. The short extensions are made out of those obtained from women with Wholesale CNC Lathe Tool Factory short hair. Therefore, each strand has its cuticle intact and undamaged. Due to this reason these extensions are subjected to right treatment while being processed into Remy hair. This ensures the longevity of these extensions. There is hardly any difference between your own hair and extensions of this type.

Once you decide the length of straight extension you wish to buy, it is necessary for you to buy the Indian Remy hair of the right color also. You could purchase these beautiful extensions made out of genuine Indian hair in four different colors. While black is the original natural color the other shades are obtained by removing the pigment from hair using modern methods that will not harm them CNC Machine especially their cuticles. Therefore, when you purchase the right color that matches well with the color of your own hair your extension will be able to impart you with a natural appearance.

Once you purchase your preferred extension you could wear it the way you want. It will blend with your natural hair beautifully. The only thing is that you need to provide it with the right care. Since Indian Remy hair is processed out of natural material obtained from Indian women it is necessary for you to give your extension the same treatment given to your natural hair. Cleansing at least once in two weeks and conditioning with herbal conditioner will make sure that your extension will serve you for a long time.

Posted by: roeucltel at 01:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 520 words, total size 3 kb.

November 27, 2019

China CNC Machine Tools Suppliers at least walk around


Now, in just a couple of hours you can be setting down inLondon for a weekend trip to see the sights of the old country and to get awayfrom it all.

There are so many things involved when it comes to planninga trip. Of course, nobody likes being cooped up in plane for sixteen ortwenty hours. You still have to set some things straightand get things prepared. Manypeople did not have the time to invest in going off to a new place, never mindthe ability to plan ahead for a long trip.

Travel in this manner used to be only available for peoplewith lots of money or fame. The nice thing about driving somewhere is that youhave better control over what your time table is. You can hop a plane and in a few hours be pretty much anywhere inthe world. A trip anywhere, whether it is just a short drive away or you areflying half way around the globe.4pt 0in 5. But youlose all of the convenience of arriving at your destination so much quicker andfaster. People who did would have sold allof their belongings with the notion they were going to start a new life fortheir families. The only mode of transportation that Ican think of a single benefit is traveling by covered wagon.Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Pull Stud Manufacturers /

That must be one of the advantages to making a long voyageon a boat, you can China CNC Machine Tools Suppliers at least walk around and keep up a normal schedule. There are always going to be drawbacks and benefits, no matter whatmode of transportation that you choose.

Everything that you will probably need to be concerned withwill be prolonged procedures within your flight terminal or sitting down onsomething like the tarmac waiting to move along. Of course, coupled together with the disadvantages, generally thereare a few advantages that will occur with traveling by air.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-qformat:yes;mso-style-parent:"";mso-padding-alt:0in 5. One particularlybig benefit is that you could currently move to places which have rarely everbeen thought of, especially in the past. You may also have to deal withlost luggage that ends up delivered to an unknown place in which anyone couldnot reach. Going to Europe, for instance, would have takendays or weeks and that was only as long as the trip went the way it wassupposed to and everyone reached their destination in a safe manner.

Posted by: roeucltel at 03:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 411 words, total size 3 kb.

November 12, 2019

Invisalign is a revolutionary new teeth-straightening Axial Preset Gauge

Invisalign is a revolutionary new teeth-straightening Axial Preset Gauge method that uses plastic aligners to gradually shape your smile over time. It offers great advantages over the old "metal mouth" braces that so many kids dread. With this treatment, the Invisalign dentist uses computer imaging to create your aligners. Each is worn for a period of two weeks and then discarded for the next one. This treatment method is helping lots of people straighten their teeth, but there are a few slight risks.

Nerve Damage

If you've had an injury on a tooth before, Invisalign can damage or kill its nerves. Nerve damage doesn't mean the death of your tooth, but it may require more treatment to restore the nerves. It could even mean a root canal! Cases of nerve damage are rare, but you should take a few precautions to make sure. Tell your dentist about all previous dental work that you've had done so that they know which areas are at risk. A skilled professional can do their best to make sure there's no damage. You should also tell them if you've had fillings or crowns anywhere because they can be dislodged by the aligners.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by plaque, that white stuff your dentist always told you about that thrives on sugar. During treatment from an Invisalign dentist, you should take extra care to brush and floss regularly. Although it's not the fault of the treatment, people who get it done are at higher risk for plaque build-up. Keep your teeth clean and, if possible, avoid eating too much sugar while you're undergoing treatment. It never hurts to have a teeth cleaning done before you get your first set of aligners put in.

Allergic Reaction

It is very rare, but some patients are actually allergic to the aligners put in by the Invisalign dentist! It's impossible to test this beforehand, but if you know the symptoms you can be on the lookout for them. There may be swelling or pain around the aligners, or in severe cases there might be nausea, sore throat or a persistent cough. The danger is that these symptoms will be mistaken for a cold or flu, so if you understand that they might be allergic reactions to the aligners, you can get treatment. Unfortunately, if you're allergic to the aligners, you can't continue with the treatment.

Choking Hazard

Another risk is that part of the aligner can break off and be swallowed. This presents a choking risk. However, the aligners are made to be strong and this is only a problem for people who clamp or grind their teeth. When you talk to your Invisalign CNC Lathe Tool dentist at the consultation they'll ask you about this and assess your eligibility for the treatment.

It's always good to know the risks before you choose to start any kind of treatment. The good news is that, unlike traditional braces, there is no pain and discomfort associated with this treatment. Although there is a slight risk of nerve damage or tooth decay, it is still smaller than that of braces. If you have any other questions, talk to your dentist before you begin treatment.

Posted by: roeucltel at 01:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 542 words, total size 3 kb.

Invisalign is a revolutionary new teeth-straightening Axial Preset Gauge

Invisalign is a revolutionary new teeth-straightening Axial Preset Gauge method that uses plastic aligners to gradually shape your smile over time. It offers great advantages over the old "metal mouth" braces that so many kids dread. With this treatment, the Invisalign dentist uses computer imaging to create your aligners. Each is worn for a period of two weeks and then discarded for the next one. This treatment method is helping lots of people straighten their teeth, but there are a few slight risks.

Nerve Damage

If you've had an injury on a tooth before, Invisalign can damage or kill its nerves. Nerve damage doesn't mean the death of your tooth, but it may require more treatment to restore the nerves. It could even mean a root canal! Cases of nerve damage are rare, but you should take a few precautions to make sure. Tell your dentist about all previous dental work that you've had done so that they know which areas are at risk. A skilled professional can do their best to make sure there's no damage. You should also tell them if you've had fillings or crowns anywhere because they can be dislodged by the aligners.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by plaque, that white stuff your dentist always told you about that thrives on sugar. During treatment from an Invisalign dentist, you should take extra care to brush and floss regularly. Although it's not the fault of the treatment, people who get it done are at higher risk for plaque build-up. Keep your teeth clean and, if possible, avoid eating too much sugar while you're undergoing treatment. It never hurts to have a teeth cleaning done before you get your first set of aligners put in.

Allergic Reaction

It is very rare, but some patients are actually allergic to the aligners put in by the Invisalign dentist! It's impossible to test this beforehand, but if you know the symptoms you can be on the lookout for them. There may be swelling or pain around the aligners, or in severe cases there might be nausea, sore throat or a persistent cough. The danger is that these symptoms will be mistaken for a cold or flu, so if you understand that they might be allergic reactions to the aligners, you can get treatment. Unfortunately, if you're allergic to the aligners, you can't continue with the treatment.

Choking Hazard

Another risk is that part of the aligner can break off and be swallowed. This presents a choking risk. However, the aligners are made to be strong and this is only a problem for people who clamp or grind their teeth. When you talk to your Invisalign CNC Lathe Tool dentist at the consultation they'll ask you about this and assess your eligibility for the treatment.

It's always good to know the risks before you choose to start any kind of treatment. The good news is that, unlike traditional braces, there is no pain and discomfort associated with this treatment. Although there is a slight risk of nerve damage or tooth decay, it is still smaller than that of braces. If you have any other questions, talk to your dentist before you begin treatment.

Posted by: roeucltel at 01:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 542 words, total size 3 kb.

November 05, 2019

ER Collet Manufacturers financial institutions


A venture financing can be structured using one or more of several types of securities ranging from straight debt-to-debt with equity features (e.g., convertible debt or debt with warrants) to common stock. Each type of security offers certain advantages and disadvantages to both the entrepreneur and the investor. The characteristcs of your situation and current market forces will impact the type and mix of security package that is right for you.

Types of Securities Senior debt: Which is usually for long-term financing for high-risk companies or special situations such as bridge financing. Bridge financing is designed as temporary financing in cases where the company has obtained a commitment for financing at a future date, which funds will be used to retire the debt. It is used in construction, acquisitions, anticipation of a public sale of securities, etc.

Subordinated debt: Which is subordinated to financing from other ER Collet Manufacturers financial institutions, and is usually convertible to common stock or accompanied by warrants to purchase common stock. Senior lenders consider subordinated debt as equity. This increases the amount of funds that can be borrowed, thus allowing greater leverage. Preferred stock: Which is usually convertible to common stock. The venture's cash flow is helped because no fixed loan or interest payments need to be made unless the preferred stock is redeemable or dividends are mandatory. Preferred stock improves the company's debt to equity ratio. The disadvantage is that dividends are not tax deductible. Common stock: Which is usually the most expensive in terms of the percent of ownership given to the venture capitalist. However, sale of common stock may be the only feasible alternative if cash flow and collateral limits the amount of debt the company can carry.

While each of these securities has unique characteristics, they can be grouped into two categories: debt or equity. In structuring a venture financing, the primary question is whether the financing should be in the form of debt or equity.

Disadvantages of Debt to a Company

From a company's viewpoint, there are two potential disadvantages to debt.

    An excessive amount of debt can strain a company's credit standing, thereby reducing its flexibility in meeting future long-term financing requirements on a favorable basis. It can also negatively affect a company's ability to obtain short-term credit. Of course, the form of debt the venture financing takes makes a difference. For example, subordinated debt will have less impact on borrowing capacity than senior debt. The venture capitalist has the option of calling his loan if the company is in default of the loan agreement. This remedy, which is not available to him under other financing agreements, puts him in a better position to influence the company's affairs when it is in default.
Advantages of Debt to a Venture Capitalist

From the venture capitalist's viewpoint, there are three principal advantages to debt.

    There is a greater likelihood that the venture capitalist will get his principal back and, at least, a small return. Many of the companies in the average venture capitalist's portfolio are referred to as "the living dead." Needless to say, their performance has turned out to be disappointing. In some cases, these companies are able to repay principal with interest but have limited appeal to potential acquirers or the public. As a result, a venture capitalist with an investment in such a company's common stock may be unable to recover his investment within a reasonable period, if at all. As previously discussed, under certain circumstances the venture capitalist is in a better position to influence the company's affairs. The venture capitalist has a senior claim. However, it should be emphasized that the meaningfulness of a senior claim depends on the marketability of a company's assets and the amount of equity it has to cushion its creditors' position. For example, in the case of a start-Lip situation with little or no equity, a senior claim means little or nothing.
Percentage Ownership Needed

While the difference may not be great, depending on the particular circumstances of the company, a debt position involves less risk than an equity position for the venture capitalist. Accordingly, a company should not have to relinquish as much ownership when a financing is in the form of debt. However, this advantage must be weighed against the disadvantages of debt.

No matter how the venture financing is structured, it must be priced so that it is attractive to the venture capitalist. There is no clear-cut answer as to how much ownership a company will have to relinquish to make a financing attractive. Broadly speaking, the greater the potential return perceived by the venture capitalist, the less ownership he will demand. In other words, if a company has a patented product which a venture capitalist thinks is revolutionary and highly marketable, he will undoubtedly settle for less ownership than he would in the case of 4 company with a relatively less attractive product. Thus, his ultimate position will be a business judgment based on his potential return.

Before you enter negotiations with the venture capitalist, you should determine what your company is worth and how much of your company you want to sell. The following procedure can be used to get a rough idea of how much ownership you will have to give up to make the financing attractive.

    Estimate the risk associated with the venture financing. If the investment is very risky, CNC Lathe Tool Factory the venture capitalist may be looking for a return as high as 15 times his investment over five years. Conversely, if a relatively low degree of risk is involved, the venture capitalist may be satisfied with doubling or tripling his investment over five years. Make a reasonable estimate of the price/earnings ratio applicable to comparable publicly held companies. The market value of the company can then be projected by multiplying forecasted annual earnings by the estimated price/earnings ratio for comparable companies. Divide the estimate of the total dollar return the venture capitalist wants by the projected market value of the company. This yields the percentage ownership the venture capitalist will need, as oil the future date, to realize his desired return. It is important to note that any equity financing required during the interim period must be considered in making these calculations.
Case Study

Suppose XYZ Company, Inc., a start-up, needs $500,000. The company's product appears to have excellent potential. However, because the product is new and unproven, an investment in the company would be extremely risky. Accordingly, it is reasonable to estimate that a venture capitalist would want a potential return of at least ten times his total investment in five years. Management estimates that the company should be able to "go public" at 20 times earnings in five years. Projected after-tax earnings for the fifth year is $1,250,000. Additional long-term financing of $500,000 will be needed at the beginning of the third year.

Scenario I

In the calculations below it is assumed that the venture capitalist who provides the initial financing ($500,000) also provides the subsequent financing ($500,000), and that he wants a return equal to ten times both. However, it should be noted that if the company made satisfactory progress during the first two years, it would be reasonable to assume that the venture capitalist would be satisfied with a lower return on the subsequent financing since it would involve less risk.

Estimate of Total Dollar Return RequiredTotal Investment$ 1,000,000Estimate of Return RequiredX 10$10,000,000V. Projected Market Value in Fifth YearVI.VII. Projected Earnings$1,250,000VIII. Estimate of P/E Ratiox 20$25,000,000Percentage Ownership Needed in Fifth YearEstimate of Total Dollar Return quired$10,000,000Projected Market Value of Company in Fifth Year25,000,00040%

Scenario II

In this set of calculations it is assumed that a second investor provides the subsequent financing ($500,000). The calculations show that the venture capitalist who provides the initial financing ($500,000) would need 20% ownership as of the fifth Year to realize the return he wants. However, since the ownership to be given up for the subsequent financing will reduce his ownership position, he will want more than 20% ownership initially. For example, if it is assumed that 15% ownership will have to be given up for the subsequent financing, the venture capitalist who provides the initial financing would need 23% ownership initially to end up with 20% ownership in the fifth year.

Assume the same facts as Case I, except a second investor provides the subsequent financing for 15% ownership.

Estimate of Total Dollar Return RequiredTotal Investment$ 500,000Estimate of Return RequiredX 10$5,000,000Projected Market Value in Fifth YearProjected Earnings$1,250,000Estimate of P/E Ratiox 20$25,000,000Percentage Ownership Needed in Fifth YearEstimate of Total Dollar Return required$5,000,000Projected Market Value of Company in Fifth Year25,000,00020%

Thus, it appears that the investment ($500,000) may be attractive to an interested venture capitalist if the principals of XYZ Company, Inc. are willing to give up approximately 23% ownership.


It must be emphasized that the above procedure is highly subjective. And, you should remember that what really matters is how the venture capitalist views the relative attractiveness of a company. Typically, venture capitalists are satisfied with a minority interest. Although a venture capitalist may demand a majority interest, generally they are not interested in operating control. Some of them like to tie the amount of ownership they ultimately get to the performance of the company. For example, a venture capitalist who wants a majority interest initially may give the principals the opportunity to earn part of it back. Such an arrangement can be used to compromise on pricing when there is a significant disagreement between the principals and the venture capitalist.

To entrepreneurs unfamiliar with venture capital, it may appear that the venture capitalist is seeking an extraordinary high return on his investment. However, it is important to understand that, even under the best of circumstances, only a minority of the companies in which the venture capitalists invests will be successful. He is well aware of this, and must make a sufficient return of his successful investments to come out with an acceptable return overall.

Posted by: roeucltel at 02:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1671 words, total size 11 kb.

For SK Collet Manufacturers instance

When choosing a business there is a simple common sense approach to solving this question, just fill the gaps.

What is “fill the gaps” and how can it help me start a business? Fill the gaps is a concept whereby you observe how well other businesses in your area are operating and whether or not they are satisfying the customer. When you see a gap in the business, you take that opportunity to exploit it by doing it better.

Perhaps a business is already doing something, but not very well. Find a way to fill that gap and perform that function more efficiently. Offer a point of distinction and capitalize on it. Find a way to be superior, whether through responsiveness, price, customer service, or a better product offering. Once you have found something that you can offer that defines your business, run with it by advertising and promoting that difference to your target market.

Let us look at some service offerings that you can use to distinguish yourself and start your business. For SK Collet Manufacturers instance, I find that hanging Christmas lights, shoveling snow, cleaning house gutters, and washing a pet are all time consuming and laborious tasks. An untapped market probably exists that feels the same way as I do, and would be willing to pay someone else to do them. This is the gap and you can fill it by starting a business that others are not fully engaged in, or are not doing very well.

If you are not sure whether a gap actually exists, try some market research. Market research is simple and very effective. Think about five common businesses in the area that you feel are not operating as well as Lathe Tool Manufacturers they could. Write down their product and service offerings. Under each product or service set a rating scale of 1 to 5 with five being exceptional and one being unhappy. Visit a local grocery store, ask the manager whether you may speak to the customers as they leave the store and after he gives you permission ask at least 25-30 people if they would rate the product or services of the five businesses in your study. If you find someone who is unhappy, ask him or her why they are unhappy and whether they had a solution that could have helped the company get an exceptional. These customers will be your greatest source of information.

I have always heard that a companyÂ’s unhappiest customers provide the best information for improving. Here is your opportunity to ask those customers to start your business by letting you know where the gaps are and how you can fill them.

Posted by: roeucltel at 02:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 452 words, total size 3 kb.

October 21, 2019

Murray instead is a player with a lot of HBJ-16 Micro Boring Bar

Murray with good chances for the US Open title
Andy Murray is ready for the US Open after winning the Cincinnati Masters over Novak Djokovic, and he will be starting with a match against a relatively unknown player in Somdev Devvarman from India, who is mostly known for winning the gold medal at the Commonwealth Games from last year with his home country as host of such event.Ochocinco offers to play for ForsterÂ’s fine
It seems like some professional NFL players are not agree with the leagueÂ’s new policy concerning penalties, and we have a clear example in the case of Chad Ochocinco and Mason Foster, as the latest was penalized with a $20,000 fine for hitting the Patriots player on a preseason game last Thursday.

Patrick ready to stick with NASCAR
The only woman to have ever won an IndyCar race, Danica Patrick, has recently announced that she is ready to make a move to NASCAR for good, and the main reason for his decision is his eagerness for achieving better results, and the only way of doing so is to fully commit to only one of the two circuits. The Yankees has lost only 2 of their previous 20 series, and they have won a total of ten straight series to the Athletics since 2007, though it seems like New York is about to lose this record as Oakland is just a game away from coming up with the victory.
. The opportunity is now. Murray instead, is a player with a lot of HBJ-16 Micro Boring Bar experience and who is used to big tourneys (he was already a top ten when in his teens), and if critics’ predictions are correct, it is possible that Murray, who is one of the favorites, meets Djokovic at some stage of this competition, most likely on the final.” She said. Please feel free to contact me.

Yankees loses second straight to Athletics
Before their second loss to the Athletics on their current series, the Yankees were tied with the Red Sox for the leadership of their division, but now Boston is alone at the top and New York are in second place of the AL East. Ochocinco, who was the one who got the hit, even offered Foster to pay the fine because he doesn’t agree with the punishment the Buccaneers player received though Roger Goodell and the NFl said he cannot pay for hit, and the New England wide receiver responded with a twit for the commissioner, stating that: @nflcommish Dad no disrespect Lathe Tool but I don’t agree with @mason_foster fine n I’ll be reimbursing him personally. The time is now. “I am going to race a full Nationwide schedule and a limited Sprint Cup schedule in my GoDaddy

Posted by: roeucltel at 01:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 474 words, total size 3 kb.

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